About Gail Suitor

Neurodiversity gives people unique gifts. Throughout my 25+ years as a special educator, an underlying sadness and frustration plagued me because our antiquated educational system does not educate neurodiverse students effectively.

I created Ignite Change Makers to support educators, students, and families in finding innovative ways to educate neurodiverse students. All students need educational opportunities where they feel seen, valued, purposeful, inspired, and connected.

My clients will learn to be competent and confident in their gifts. I support them in creating and finding loving, joyful educational environments where diverse ways of thinking and learning thrive.

About Ignite Change Makers

Through teaching, facilitating, and parenting, I developed an acute understanding that these fantastic changemakers need diverse opportunities for their education. I work with schools and families to create and discover communities where diverse ways of thinking and learning are sought and valued because neurodiversity changes the world.

Changing our perspective on neurodiversity

  • Empower learning

  • Discover learning strengths

  • Enjoy compelling learning environments

  • Explore what is behind the behavior

  • Learn how your brain works and why

  • Create change effectively

Change the way we teach and learn

One-To-One Mentoring

Discover why neurodiversity is a superpower. Learn how to walk the path of a change-maker and understand why neurological differences give you an edge.



Parent your neurodiverse change-maker with confidence and competence.
Develop a greater understanding of how to raise a neurodivergent change-maker. Get support in advocating for your neurodiverse learner in their educational community.


Teach our neurodiverse change-makers more effectively:

Engage in a school audit to discover your school’s strengths and opportunities for teaching these change-makers. They will be among your most impressive alumnae.

Learn why teaching the most complex students well makes education better for all.

Invite Gail to come and speak to your group of students, parents, or educators to understand the gifts of having neurodiversity in your community and how to support these unique minds effectively.

Subscribe to 'The Best Part' Newsletter: Unlocking the Hidden Talents of Neuro-Distinct Brains!

Join our newsletter, "The Best Part," and embark on a journey to uncover the remarkable talents residing within neuro-divergent minds. Stay informed and inspired by subscribing today!


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